In general, Chiropractic work focuses primarily on the alignment of bones and how it affects the joints, particularly of the spine. Common practice is to use high-velocity thrust adjustments. These sudden changes in bony structure position can often result in immediate relief. This type of therapy does not address the strain in the soft tissue (fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments) that caused the original misalignment of the bones. In many cases, unless the cause of the strain is addressed, the bones and joints will be pulled out of alignment again. SI focuses on reducing or reversing the rotational patterns that caused the strain and imbalance. In doing so, it reduces the likeliness of re-occurring issues.
Massage therapy can involve a variety of treatment styles and techniques which focus mainly on relaxing muscles. Deep tissue massage work can be effective in reducing localized strain on muscles and tissue. SI addresses the imbalances and rotations of your whole body in an attempt to produce better overall function. It creates space in the fascia that surrounds of all your muscles and joints producing easier movement. SI sees a whole structure, not just a neck, shoulder, elbow, knee or ankle. When individual body parts are able to move freely, the whole body will function more effectively.